How to File a Complaint at the Labour Inspectorate

A complaint is filed by a natural person or legal entity in order to point out a violation of a labour-related regulation regarding employment relations, particularly the creation, change or termination of the wage conditions and working conditions of employees, including the working conditions of women, juveniles, employees working from home, persons with disabilities, persons under 15 years of age, and collective bargaining.

A complaint against an employer should include the following information: 

  • your first name, surname, domicile (if you want to file the request anonymously, please disregard this point; however in such a case you won’t be informed of the outcomes of the investigation. Furthermore, the investigation of anonymous complaints is up to the discretion of the chief labour inspector),
  • the exact address of the company or employer (where the violations of the regulations occurred),
  • the nature of the violation in your opinion (e.g., employment regulations or regulations concerning occupational safety and health protection, please specify). 

A complaint may be filed at the relevant labour inspectorate (according to the site of operations or registered seat of the employer) or at the National Labour Inspectorate.

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