Electronic Exchange of Social Security Information (EESSI)

In a nutshell, the Electronic Exchange of Social Security Information (EESSI) is an electronic system for the exchange of information in the area of social security for migrant workers.

The EESSI envisages the setting up of a central coordination hub which all standardised electronic documents (SEDs) sent by the institutions of all 27 Member States will pass through. The central hub will be managed by the European Commission. The Access Point will be the recipient and sender of the transmitted data at the national level.

The exchange of data between Member States will take place through the secure STESTA (Secure Trans European Services for Telematics between Administrations) network, managed by the European Commission. This network allows the transmission of security information at the level of interbank communication, which corresponds to the objective of the EESSI, given that it is social security data.

The access point in the Slovak Republic is:

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