Minimum wage entitlements

The amounts of minimum wage entitlements guarantee the lower limit of the amount of employee’s wage, depending on the difficulty of the work performed. Minimum wage entitlements are applied only if the conditions for the remuneration of employees are not agreed upon in a collective bargaining agreement (§ 120 of the Labour Code).

In 2021, the increase in minimum wage entitlements for each degree of work difficulty compared to 2020 is the same; i.e. regardless of the difficulty of the work performed, at each level of work intensity the minimum wage entitlement will increase by the same amount, which corresponds to an increase in the minimum wage, i.e. in this case, of EUR 43. In the following years, the increase in minimum wage entitlements will be linked exclusively to the year-on-year change in the monthly minimum wage. The amount will increase by the difference between individual calendar years. The basis for the calculation will still be EUR 580 (the monthly minimum wage for calendar year 2020), which is multiplied by the relevant coefficient (1.2 – 1.4 – 1.6 – 1.8 – 2.0), and to this amount in the individual years, the amount that represents the increase (the difference) between the amount of the monthly minimum calendar year 2020 (EUR 580) and the amount of the monthly minimum wage for the relevant calendar year will be added.

The amount of the minimum wage entitlement for the relevant degree for the relevant calendar year for each hour worked by the employee at the established weekly working time of 40 hours is 1/174 of the amount of the minimum wage entitlement per month.

An employer is obligated to assign a degree of difficulty to each job by comparing the most demanding work activity with the characteristics of the degrees of difficulty of jobs.


The amounts of minimum wage entitlements will be increased automatically as the amount of the minimum wage increases. Agreement is also in:

  • the method of increasing the amounts of minimum wage entitlements in euros per hour when applying weekly working time is less than the set 40 hours,
  • the lowering of monthly amounts in the case of not working the full monthly working time fund,
  • rounding off of the amounts of monthly and hourly minimum wage entitlements,
  • the procedure for determining the entitlement for a possible supplement up to the amount of the minimum wage entitlement, when the amounts of the same wage components are deducted from the total wage as in the case of determining the supplement to the amount of the minimum wage.

The amounts of minimum wage entitlements for degrees of difficulty of jobs

  • Works the full monthly working time fund for a month
  • in euros per month for an employee working in the prescribed weekly working time who completes the full monthly working time fund for a month

from 1 January 2021 are as follows:

Degree of work difficulty Minimum wage coefficient


Hourly rates in euros for fixed working time =

40 hours/week

Monthly rates in euros
1 1,0 3,580 623
2 1,2 4,247 739
3 1,4 4,914 855
4 1,6 5,580 971
5 1,8 6,247 1087
6 2,0 6,914 1203










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